ELISA A to Z Handbook Download Form

  • - Table of Contents -

    Introduction -About Immunoassays-
    A. What is measurement?
    B. Evaluation of measurement methods
    C. What is an immunoassay?
    D. Are immunoassays useful?

    I. Introduction to the ELISA

    II. Techniques in ELISA
    A. Introduction to the operating procedures of kits manufactured by Shibayagi
    B. Types of pipettes and precautions
    C. Relationship between the precision of pipettes and measurement precision - Why the ELISA is advantageous -
    D. Disposal methods for used reagents and others

    III. More about the ELISA
    A. About errors
    B. Required parameters for the validation of analytical procedures
    C. Calibration curve and the calculation of measured values in ELISAs
    D. Parameters of precision and their calculations
    E. Actual testing methods for evaluating accuracy or trueness
    F. Stability of measurement samples
    G. Robustness of a measuring system
    H. Quality Control — evaluation of each assay using a control chart
    I. Improving the performance of ELISAs

    IV. Appendices
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